Webinar: Lessons Learned from Wisconsin CEOs

By registering for this webinar, you will also be registered for the remaining three in the series – April 24, May 1, May 8, each featuring different prominent CEOs from across Wisconsin.

The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented challenges to all types of Wisconsin businesses whose operations are impacted by disruptions to their supply chains, demand for their products and worker unavailability. As members of the Wisconsin business community, we want to help you address your company challenges by engaging, collaborating and communicating with you and our thousands of valued businesses across Wisconsin.

Join our CEO Leadership Series webinars to hear from state business and health leaders on the latest medical updates, insights into how companies are adapting their operations to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how these best practice examples might apply to your business.


Welcome – Missy Hughes, Secretary & CEO, WEDC
Medical Updates – Dr. John Raymond, MD, President & CEO, Medical College of Wisconsin
Executive Leadership Update – Dan Ariens, Chairman & CEO, AriensCo., Brillion, WI
Executive Leadership Update – Greg Frank, Vice President, Food Fight Restaurant Group, Madison, WI