Wisconsin Makers Open House

Wisconsin Makers Inc., a makerspace with an educational mission, invites the public to an open house on Saturday, Feb. 27.

Visitors will be able to take a tour of the community workshop and view its many work areas. Among them are those for laser engraving and 3-D printing; quilting, sewing and other needlecrafts; electronics; clay and pottery; welding and fabrication; machine shop; woodworking; art; crafts; matting and framing, and, in the near future, automotive.

With the charge to “Imagine, Design, Make,” Wisconsin Makers Inc. creates an affordable, collaborative and educational environment that inspires people of all ages to become innovators within their communities by unlocking their skills through continual training.

While based in Whitewater, members come from throughout Jefferson, Walworth, Rock and Waukesha counties and beyond, with access around the clock.

Wisconsin Makers offers a variety of free classes on Make-and-Take Tuesdays and Tech Thursdays, as well as special workshops and other activities. The next workshop is “An Introduction to Arduino Hardware and Software,” on Saturday, Feb. 20, from 1 to 5 p.m. Visit Facebook.com/WisconsinMakers to learn details. Call Shanon at (262) 716-4983 to register for the class, or stop in at Wisconsin Makers Inc.

For more information about Wisconsin Makers, its activities or how to become a member, call Pete at (920) 650-2333 or visit www.facebook.com/WisconsinM­akers.