Wisconsin Tech Summit

The goal of the Wisconsin Tech Summit is to bring together major companies and emerging firms in a setting that allows them to meet and explore likely business relationships around technology needs and innovation.

Emerging companies can apply through March 16 to meet with major firms and explore potential business relationships around technology needs and innovation as part of the third annual Wisconsin Tech Summit.

The Tech Summit is based on the assumption that large and small companies travel in different “orbits,” even if they’re in the same business sectors, and rarely collide except by chance. The summit will include a series of brief meetings, similar to a “speed-dating” exercise that will foster communication and partnership. It is produced by the Wisconsin Technology Council and partners that include the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.

New this year: Applications are welcome from early stage funds that may want to introduce portfolio companies and otherwise connect with major companies.

Other features of the event will include:

  • An opening panel discussion to help set the stage for emerging companies by allowing major companies an opportunity to talk generally about their goals, needs and emerging markets;
  • Educational seminars, which will be available to all participants during those times in which they are not scheduled for individual meetings;
  • A continental breakfast, networking lunch and onsite reception.

More information, including an application form, can be found at www.wistechsummit.com.