Worker Training Grants for Wisconsin High School Pupils

Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) announced the opening of the second round of Governor Walker’s Wisconsin Fast Forward – Blueprint for Prosperity initiative with up to $3 million for innovative high school pupil worker training grants.

DWD’s Office of Skills Development (OSD) seeks applications from Wisconsin businesses for employer-driven workforce programs in collaboration with school districts, educational partners and/or technical colleges to train and hire high school students. Grant Program Announcement (GPA) highlights follow:

  • Range of potential grant awards: $5,000 to $150,000 per grantee
  • Grant amount match requirement through funds or in-kind sources: 50 percent
  • Grant application deadline: February 2, 2015 at 11:59 p.m.

Examples of high school pupil training program partnerships include work-based learning, apprenticeship preparation and dual credit models. Successful projects ensure that graduates receive industry-recognized certifications from 2013 Wisconsin Act 59 approved list and obtain employment in documented high-demand fields.

Learn more.