Location Change: Foxconn Informational Meeting

Due to overwhelming interest from companies seeking to do business with Foxconn, Thursday’s Madison-area informational session for contractors has been relocated to Middleton Performing Arts Center at Middleton High School.

New Location: Performing Arts Center at Middleton High School, 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton, WI 53562

The event takes place on August 2, 2018. Registration is at 9:00 a.m. and the session will take place from 9:30-11:00 a.m.

Dozens of area construction-related companies that want to learn more about becoming a vendor, subcontractor, supplier or professional service provider during the construction phase of the Foxconn project will take part in an informational session with M+W|Gilbane, the professional construction manager on the project.

Enter directly at the Performing Arts Center at Middleton High School. When you arrive at the main address, continue past the swimming pool entrance, following along Lee Street and look for a distinctive glass exterior. This is the entrance to the PAC. There is also a large sign in front of the entrance. There is ample parking directly in front of the facility or in the adjacent lot that serves the high school, stadium and Baumann Aquatic Center. Additional parking is available off Clark Street next to the Middleton Alternative Senior High School.