Global Trade Venture to the Czech Republic, Poland, and Turkey

As relatively advanced economies that nevertheless have further potential for growth, the Czech Republic, Poland and Turkey present ample opportunities for Wisconsin companies looking to expand their exports. These markets are suitable for companies that have previous exporting experience to Europe or Canada. Extensive prior experience is not required.

Recognizing the strategic advantages these markets offer Wisconsin companies looking to expand their exports, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), in partnership with the Council of Great Lakes Governors (CGLG), is planning a Global Trade Venture to these three countries. We hope you will consider joining us and other Wisconsin and regional business leaders for this program.

Wisconsin participants may be eligible for an International Market Access Grant that would cover the venture fee, which includes customized, individual meetings with potential partners, distributors and buyers in these markets.

The Trade Venture will take place November 1-11, 2014. Learn more and register by August 29.