2016 Governor’s Export Achievement Award Nominations Open

The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) invites Wisconsin companies and organizations that have achieved exporting success to apply for a 2016 Governor’s Export Achievement Award.

The awards are open to companies of all sizes as well as to organizations that have contributed to the state’s ability to compete in the global economy.

The preliminary nomination process is simple, requiring only the submission of a short narrative (250 words or fewer) of the company’s recent exporting accomplishments. Entries should focus on the company’s innovative international strategy and export growth.

A panel of international trade experts will review all submissions and identify a group of semifinalists who will move on to the next stage of the competition, where they will be asked to submit a more detailed application.

Award winners will be recognized at the annual Wisconsin International Trade Conference in Milwaukee in May. Winners will receive recognition at the event, a custom video about their company’s exporting efforts, a trophy and more.

The deadline for preliminary nominations is 5:00 p.m., Jan. 29. For more details on the award or to complete a nomination form, visit inwisconsin.com/exportawards or contact Patrick Roetker.

Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest

2016BPC-banner[300x250]The 13th annual Wisconsin Governor’s Business Plan Contest is accepting entries online for the 2016 competition until 5 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016.

The contest is designed to encourage entrepreneurs in the startup stage of tech-based businesses in Wisconsin. The contest links up-and-coming entrepreneurs with a statewide network of community resources, expert advice, high-quality education, management talent and possible sources of capital. It also leads to valuable public and media exposure for the top business plans and helps spur economic growth in the state. Finalists will share in more than $100,000 in cash and in-kind prizes.

Since its inception in 2004, more than 3,100 entries have been received and about $2 million in cash and services (such as legal, accounting, office space and marketing) have been awarded. Contest categories are Advanced Manufacturing, Business Services, Information Technology and Life Sciences.

For their initial entries, contestants will submit a 250-word (or 2,000-character) idea abstract online at www.govsbizplancontest.com. Contestants who advance to subsequent contest rounds will expand their plan in stages.

Past finalists have launched companies that have raised more than $160 million in angel, venture, grants and venture debt over time – all while creating jobs and economic value for Wisconsin. The contest’s major sponsors include the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.

To enter, become a judge or learn about sponsorship opportunities, visit www.govsbizplancontest.com.

Global Trade Venture: Germany


Germany is consistently among Wisconsin’s top export destinations, and was #6 in 2014. This healthy volume of trade reflects a history of German immigration in Wisconsin; mutual strength in manufacturing; and shared emphasis on quality, productivity and a strong work ethic. In all, Wisconsin exported $731 million worth of goods and services to Germany in 2014. The potential exists to increase Wisconsin companies’ sales to German customers even further, and in April 2016, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) will be leading a global trade venture to Germany to help Wisconsin exporters find buyers in Germany and across Europe.


The global trade venture to Germany is planned to coincide with the Hannover Messe trade show. The world’s leading event for industrial technology, the show is expected to draw more than 200,000 attendees, and features more than 6,600 exhibitors from 62 countries. With focus areas including industrial automation, the digital factory, industrial supply, energy, and research and technology, the show is representative of the complete industrial value chain, from components to the finished product and everything in between. The U.S. is the official partner country for 2016, for the first time since the show’s 1947 inception. As part of this partner country presence, WEDC will have an exhibit booth on the show floor at Hannover Messe, thus educating attendees about the strength of advanced manufacturing in Wisconsin and helping to promote Wisconsin companies.


WEDC’s international business development staff will help Wisconsin companies sort through the long list of sessions to attend, booths to visit and meetings to arrange at this massive trade show. The show represents an opportunity to connect with potential partners in markets not just in Germany but throughout Europe; Wisconsin’s authorized trade representatives within Europe will arrange meetings for trade venture attendees with potential buyers, distributors and customers that meet the criteria you identify as most important. Participants from Wisconsin will receive a schedule of pre-arranged meetings with these potential European partners, hand-picked for their companies.In addition, companies may wish to consider reserving their own booth at Hannover Messe.

Find out more and register by February 29. For additional information, contact WEDC Market Development Director Stanley Pfrang.


Funding Opportunity: Fabrication Laboratories (Fab Labs) Program

Through the Fabrication Laboratories (Fab Labs) Program, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) is helping to equip public schools across the state to prepare students for the manufacturing jobs of the future. Collaboration is also a key feature of these labs, with schools throughout the country and around the world communicating to share ideas.

How It Works

WEDC will provide grants of up to $25,000 to eligible Wisconsin public school districts for the creation and/or expansion of fabrication laboratories within the school district. The funds may be used to purchase equipment used for instructional and educational purposes by elementary, middle, junior or high school students. Applications for the first grant year are due Jan. 22, 2016.

Eligibility Requirements

Fab Labs Grants will be awarded through a competitive process, with applications evaluated based on curriculum, partnerships, financial need and evidence of long-range planning. Competitively selected applications will subsequently be ranked based upon additional financial need criteria to determine final award recipients.

School districts are required to contribute matching funds such that the WEDC grant covers no more than 75 percent of the project cost in the first grant year. Awardees may apply for additional funding in subsequent years, but at a reduced reimbursement rate (50 percent of the project cost for a second award and 25 percent for a third award to the same recipient), with a cumulative maximum of $75,000 in grant funding per district. Grant cycles will be made available on an annual basis until the lifetime program cap of $500,000 is fully disbursed.

Learn more.

Evansville Area Inventors & Entrepreneurs Club

Two new local entrepreneurs are the featured speakers at the next meeting of the Evansville Area Inventors & Entrepreneurs Club.

The topic addresses what it takes to be a new entrepreneur running a business from an historic home and operating a shop on Main Street.  Holin Kennen is the proprietor of Dancing Lamb, a unique shop featuring yarns, spinning wheels, other products and classes.  The shop is operated out of the main floor of her home in Evansville’s historic district.  Abby Barnes is the proprietor of Vintage Roost—featuring shabby chic and funky home items–and Vintage Workshop, a place used for classes and pop-up shops.  The shops are side by side on Main Street in downtown Evansville.

Refreshments for this meeting are sponsored by Shannon Law Office.  Whether the issue involves estate planning or family law, or if there may be a financial or business matter, the philosophy practiced at Shannon Law is to listen and provide services, information, education and options that are appropriate to the individual’s needs. More information is available at www.Shannon-Law.com.

The I&E Club meetings are free and everyone is welcome to attend.  For questions or more information about the club, contact Sue Berg at 608-882-0986 or by email, or Halina Zakowicz at 608-698-4259 or by email. Find the club at www.facebook.com/TheEvansvilleAreaInventorsEntrepreneursClub.