Global E-Commerce Strategies to Grow Your Business

Join Madison International Trade Association (MITA) and learn about the dynamics of business development in B2B and B2C environments across different geographies and industries. Learn about determining pricing, website and marketing strategies and understanding the transportation and regulatory pieces of global E-commerce from two experts in this field:

  • Kai Li, Sr. Business Development Manager at, Madison. Mr. Li will focus on B2C Content Merketing strategies that Amazon/Shopbop has used to further develop cross border business via E-commerce, marketing, pricing, and setting up transportation in the global markets
  • Andy Busalacchi, Founder & CEO of B Media & Communications , a social media, graphic, web design and video consulting firm in Milwaukee. Mr. Busalacchi was previously associated with Big Brand Media in Dubai, United Arab Emirates where he introduced progressive media to a virgin market and was featured in Forbes Middle East highlighting entrepreneurial concept and growth. 

View speaker bios, learn more, and register.



Job Posting: Spring 2015 Internship Opportunity — Marketing, Events & Information

Madison Region Economic Partnership (MadREP) seeks a dedicated individual with an interest in regional economic development, data analysis & research, marketing and event planning to fill a part-time spring internship position (February – May 2015). Interested individuals should be available to work approximately 10-15 hours per week, although specific times of day are flexible.

Job Responsibilities May Include:

  • Provide event planning support for the Madison Region’s Economic Development & Diversity Summit, as well as trade shows, site selector outreach, and familiarization tours
  • Assist with creation of weekly e-newsletters, including content gathering, writing and formatting
  • Update website via content management system
  • Provide data entry, analysis and support related to Workplace Diversity & Inclusion Survey and other surveys
  • Input and update information into customer relationship management database
  • Research and update information for Capital Connections Inventory (a database of financial tools for businesses and economic development projects in the Madison Region)
  • Assist with populating supply chain mapping tool for regional businesses
  • Other duties as assigned by staff

Requirements: Ideal applicants will be pursuing a degree in a related field; coursework and/or experience in economic development, planning, research, marketing/communications, and/or business is considered a plus. Applicants must possess strong oral and written communication skills. Please note if you have specific experience in surveying, data analysis, and/or event planning.

This internship is paid at a competitive hourly rate commensurate with experience.

To Apply: Send a cover letter and resume to Anne Wilder by Friday, January 30, 2015.

About MadREP:  Madison Region Economic Partnership (MadREP) is the economic development agency for the eight-county Madison Region with a vision to create a dynamic environment where people and businesses thrive. MadREP’s mission is a five-plank platform, which includes economic competitiveness, innovation & entrepreneurship, human capital, marketing, and leadership & diversity. The Madison Region includes Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Green, Iowa, Jefferson, Rock, and Sauk counties.

Learn more at

2015 Seminar Series: Taking It To The Next Level

Striving for success. Continuous process improvement. Taking it to the next level. These catch-phrases describe people or organizations pursuing a higher level of achievement. The commercial lending industry knows these expressions well! In our ‘more-better-faster’ world, standing pat is no longer an option.

It is in that vein that WBD is proud to announce that we will be taking our 2015 Seminar Series to the next level by incorporating a full-day of SBA program information at five of our seminar sites!

The “traditional” morning seminar — designed to meet the needs of bank executives, commercial lenders, accountants, attorneys, and economic development professionals — will provide a high-level overview of the latest program and general eligibility changes to SBA’s 504 and 7(a) programs, case study support of concepts, and updates on WBD affiliates, including our direct-lending efforts through the Lincoln Opportunity Fund.

The ‘new-this-year’ afternoon workshop — designed to meet the needs of credit analysts, portfolio managers, credit administration, loan administration, SBA administration — will provide a more in-depth study of specific program eligibility, underwriting, structuring, closing, funding, and servicing rules and regulations related to SBA’s 504 and 7(a) programs. This workshop will complement the Morning Seminar material with little or no repetition.

Join us as we help you take your SBA knowledge and understanding to the next level!

8:00-8:30 am – Networking & Continental Breakfast
8:30-11:30 am – Morning Seminar (with 15 minute break)
*1:00-4:00 pm – Afternoon Workshop (with 15 minute break).  Does not include lunch. There will be a 90 minute lunch break between the morning seminar and afternoon workshop.

Morning Seminar – $25
* Afternoon Workshop – $25
Both Morning and Afternoon Sessions – $40 ($10 savings)

Learn more and register.

Global Trade Venture to East Africa

The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) is seeking companies to take part in a Global Trade Venture to East Africa in May.

Offered in partnership with the Council of Great Lakes Governors, the program includes stops in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Participants depart the U.S. on May 9 or 10 and return on May 16. A webinar with more information will be offered on February 5, and the program registration deadline is March 11.

WEDC and CGLG chose Kenya and Tanzania as a Global Trade Venture destination because these are East Africa’s two largest economies, with GDP growth rates of 5.1 percent and 7 percent in 2013, respectively. They have favorable business climates; a wide range of resource-based and manufacturing sectors that are expanding to meet the needs of a young, growing population; a strong rule of law and improving democratic traditions. With trade ties to markets in Asia and the Middle East, these countries can serve as stepping stones in a broader global strategy.

Although infrastructure in these markets is relatively well-developed  compared to neighboring countries, opportunities abound to assist in further developing and fleshing out their transportation, telecommunications and power infrastructure. Agriculture, food processing and packaging and food safety—established sectors of strength for Wisconsin—are also large and growing industries in these markets.

Other sizable industries include mining, oil and gas extraction and refining equipment, and health care equipment and medical devices—in particular, innovative technologies that deliver solutions in the context of limited infrastructure. In addition, hospitality and tourism are significant drivers of both economies.

An individualized agenda of one-on-one meetings in each city will be created for each participant, pairing participants with companies whose needs or capabilities align with their own companies’ export objectives. Participants are welcome to request meetings with specific parties or to let WEDC do the research and recommend potential partners. WEDC’s international business development staff will work with interested participants to ensure that the firms’ export strategy and goals are a good fit for East African markets.

The fee for this program is $3,745, which covers market research and one-on-one appointments; pre-trip and in-country staff support; group transportation between airport and hotel in each city; country briefings and networking events; and some group meals. Wisconsin participants may be eligible for a WEDC International Market Access Grant that would cover all or part of the venture fee, and may cover some other costs as well.

Learn more at Companies with questions about this Global Trade Venture should contact Stanley Pfrang at 608.210.6777.

The Madison Region’s Economic Development & Diversity Summit

In continued partnership, the Madison Region Economic Partnership (MadREP) and the Urban League of Greater Madison (ULGM) will host a joint event for Madison Region business and community leaders focused on economic development and diversity.

This Summit builds on last year’s inaugural joint event and marries MadREP’s annual State of the Madison Region Summit and the Urban League’s Workplace Diversity & Leadership Summit in recognition of the need for authentic collaboration to advance the region’s economy, understand the impact of diversity within business, and improve opportunities for all the region’s citizens.

The day-long Summit will engage, educate, and empower attendees around issues related to economic, workforce, and community development. Held at the Monona Terrace, the event will feature keynote speakers, break-out sessions, and ample networking opportunities.

Featured keynote speakers for the Summit’s plenary sessions include Steve Pemberton, Divisional Vice President & Chief Diversity Officer at Walgreen’s; Dr. Julianne Malveaux, a labor economist focusing on the impact of diversity, culture, and gender in 21st century America; and Chris Brassell, a National Director in the PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Office of Diversity. 

Participation from across the eight-county Madison Region is encouraged, with an anticipated audience of hundreds of business executives, community leaders, economic development professionals, educators, elected officials, entrepreneurs, and emerging leaders. 

Registration is available online now at Early bird rates ($199 standard/$99 nonprofit/government) are effective through May 1. Sponsorship and group rate benefits are also available.