Gold Shovel Activity Picking Up
Launched in 2017, the Gold Shovel Site Verification program assists communities, counties and private landowners in packaging and marketing development-ready land to site selectors and business owners looking to locate or expand in the eight-county Madison Region. As the site selection process is risk adverse, this extra level of community and developer effort go a long way in positively positioning shovel-ready sites to the site selectors and the clients they represent.
The Gold Shovel verification process is a similar service to WEDC’s Certified In Wisconsin program at a lower cost without the same depth of review. For specific criteria, please visit
The Madison Region is home to eight of the state’s twenty Certified in Wisconsin sites. Last year we announced the region’s very first Gold Shovel verified site: Gateway Business Park in Baraboo, owned by Devco I LLC, and listed by Bunbury Commerce. As we kick off the busy season for site selection work in 2019, MadREP is excited to announce we are in the process of adding four new Gold Shovel verified sites in our Region. We look forward to formally announcing them later this quarter as each of the four communities and/or developers finalizes the verification process.
For more information and to start the site verification process, contact MadREP President Paul Jadin by email or phone at 608.571.0401.