Europe: New Trade Opportunities From the Old World

In July 2013 the United States and the European Union launched negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). If approved, the trade treaty will be the largest trade agreement in the world. What are the challenges and opportunities for Wisconsin companies – both importers and exporters? Find out at the February 12th lunch-time event.

Ambassador (ret) J.D. Bindenagel, currently Senior Advisor to Strategy XXI Partners, will call upon his years of diplomatic experience and share his analysis of trade and investment policy and priorities on both sides of the Atlantic, the potential for mutual recognition of standards, and more. Topics he will touch on include current points of contention and agreement within negotiations, mutual recognition of standards and how these can reduce the non-tariff barriers currently hindering trade, opportunities for increased trade in financial services and investments as a result of the T-TIP as well as benefits to Wisconsin companies.

Our second speaker, Shawna Morris, Vice President of Trade Policy for the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) and the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), will speak on the E.U.’s position in T-TIP regarding geographical indications which have been used in the past to restrict the use of what the United States considers to be common cheese names. Ms. Morris will focus on the challenges that this could present to the Wisconsin dairy industry and touch on how the T-TIP could impact trade globally.

Learn more and register online.

Doing Business in Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities for Midwestern Companies

As the world’s sixth largest economy, with a population of over 200 million, a booming consumer market, and vast mineral wealth, Brazil is a strategically important market for companies with global ambitions. Familiarity with Brazilian business culture, regulations, and market dynamics is essential for doing business in Brazil. The Brazil Business Summit will explore these issues, providing invaluable guidance for companies working in, or wishing to enter, this complex market.

In recent months, media reports about political, economic, and social trends in Brazil have been mixed. Speakers at this event will offer companies practical advice for taking advantage of the opportunities Brazil has to offer while minimizing their risk. Sessions will address key issues that affect business relations in Brazil, including market entry, banking and credit, legal considerations, regulatory concerns, and Brazilian culture as it relates to marketing, human resources, and business interactions. Representatives from companies that have successfully entered the Brazilian market will share their experiences, and the summit will connect organizations with resources to help them navigate this market.

View the agenda, and register online.

Wisconsin Youth Entrepreneurs in Sciences (YES!)

Wisconsin YES! (Youth Entrepreneurs in Science) is a statewide youth business plan contest modeled after the successful Governor’s Business Plan Contest. The mission of the contest is to help young people learn how science and technology innovations can be developed into solid business plans.

Building a more entrepreneurial and tech-savvy workforce is a challenge not only for Wisconsin, but the United States as a whole as the nation struggles to produce a globally competitive pool of workers.  One example is the emerging gap between jobs in the IT sector and the number of anticipated graduates in that field. By 2021, according to the Be Bold 2 report, there will be a deficit of nearly 12,000 unfilled IT jobs in Wisconsin.

This contest will help middle- and/or high-school students to better envision careers in science and technology, and especially where those disciplines intersect with the creation and growth of businesses.

Public, private and home-schooled students across Wisconsin are eligible to turn their science- and tech-related ideas into business plans and compete for cash and prizes. The contest begins with a 250-word summary submitted through the website. Entries that advance to Phase 2 of the competition will expand their idea into a 1,000-word executive summary.

The contest is produced by the Wisconsin Technology Council, with major sponsorship from IBM and WEA Trust.

Learn more and email our team at with questions.

Leadership Series: Opening China Summit

The Leadership Summit series will begin in 2014 by focusing on mid-sized companies across the nation that are seeking to better understand the business landscape in China and how they can successfully develop and execute a viable import or export strategy. The Opening China Summit will bring together business leaders, academics, and policy makers to discuss and better understand the opportunities in China for our nation’s businesses and examine how carefully crafted import and export strategies are essential to long-term growth.

To frame these discussions, attendees will engage in a range of presentations, including an economic overview of China’s economy and what it means to US businesses, a procedural overview of how to manage a Chinese customer base, and relevant case studies from some key businesses in the region. It is our hope that attendees will gain valuable insight into the opportunities available for American business in China and actionable knowledge from case studies to guide their future strategic planning.

Who Should Attend?

  • Presidents, VPs and business owners
  • General Managers and sales leadership
  • Trade association leadership
  • State and Federal policy makers
  • Academics
  • Legal professionals focused on international trade

Why Attend?

Join senior business professionals to discuss the challenges facing SME’s looking to export to China and how to overcome those obstacles. 

Participate in genuine debate, based on actionable knowledge, to help guide your decision making process. There will be interactive panel discussions, presentations and case-studies that draw on the views of peers, and board leaders. 

Gain insight from the only event that is not afraid to offer a broad perspective while covering pertinent issues facing exporters to China. 

Meet other forward looking business, political, and academic minds who are on top of their respective industries.

Learn more and register online.


Commercializing Technology in China: Navigating Pitfalls and Seizing Opportunity

Join Madison International Trade Association, Foley & Lardner, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation for the next program in the 2013 Eye on China Roundtable Series, Commercializing Technology in China: Navigating Pitfalls and Seizing Opportunity.

The program will address the latest trends and developments related to cross-border technology transfers to China, particularly those of interest to manufacturers. As part of Foley & Lardner’s recently launched initiative, the Legal Innovation Hub for NextGen Manufacturers, the firm has taken a comprehensive look at the issues impacting manufacturers looking to expand abroad, and will share those insights during the program.

Specific topics to be covered include:

  • Application of import-export control regulations
  • Mandatory provisions in any technology license agreement
  • Key elements of a technology license, development, and transfer agreements
  • Registration requirements in China
  • U.S. and Chinese tax aspects of technology transfers
  • IP protection and enforcement issues
  • Repatriation of profits, payment methods, currency issues, and hedging strategies

Register online for this free event. For more information, contact Jennifer Conley at 312.832.4325.