Product Pricing and Currency Strategies for International Markets

Madison International Trade Association presents a practical, hands-on session designed to help you develop and implement an international pricing strategy. One of the most persistent challenges facing businesses selling internationally is setting prices that are both competitive and profitable while minimizing the risks. Learn how to arrive at the right price by taking into account foreign exchange risks, economic conditions, landing costs, your competitors and the consumers in your target market.

Learn more and register by 3/4 for the early bird rate.

Local Food Business and Investors Showcase and Reception

What would it really be like to invest in the local food system? You already know why it is important, now you need to know the who and how of local investing.

Join Slow Money Wisconsin and Madison Local Investment Opportunities Network (LION) for its Business and Investors Showcase and Reception taking place on March 27 and 28. Meet the people who are building the Wisconsin local food scene with their businesses, and hear the story and passion behind theirs businesses and visions they have to build on their successes. Participate with all of your senses — tasting their products, analyzing their stories, sharing your thoughts.

Find out more and register online.

Wisconsin Innovation: A Look at Local Economic Trends

Join BioForward and GE Healthcare for the release of GE Healthcare’s Economic Impact study showing GE’s $341.9 million overall impact on the Madison Region. A panel discussion of economic development in the Madison area moderated by GE Healthcare’s Chief Economist Mitch Higashi will follow, featuring:

  • MadREP President Paul Jadin,
  • BioForward Executive Director Bryan Renk, and
  • GE Healthcare’s Chief Marketing Officer of Healthcare Systems Neal Sandy.

Learn more and register online. Contact Brian Moeller for more information.

Advancing Talent, Opportunity & Prosperity: The Madison Region’s Economic Development, Diversity & Leadership Summit

In a first-of-its-kind collaboration, the Madison Region Economic Partnership (MadREP) and the Urban League of Greater Madison (ULGM) host a joint event for Madison Region business and community leaders focused on economic development, diversity, and leadership.

The day-long Summit will be a solution-oriented event, rooted in MadREP’s Advance Now Strategy for economic growth and ULGM’s efforts to transform our communities into the Best in the Midwest for everyone. 

The Summit will feature several esteemed speakers, including:

  • Joel Kotkin—a renowned author and internationally-recognized authority on global, economic, political and social trends
  • Ken Salazar—former U.S. Secretary of the Interior and U.S. Senator who brings a broad background as a lawyer, farmer, and small business owner
  • Maria Campbell—previous Corporate Director of Diversity for SC Johnson who is now a consultant on diversity and inclusion practices as a key driver for business growth and empowerment.

Register and view more information at

Early bird rates (by April 28): $199 Full Day Summit & Luncheon | $99 Government/Nonprofit Rate
After April 28:
$249 Full Day Summit & Luncheon | $119 Government/Nonprofit Rate

Sponsorship and group rate benefits are also available. Email Ed Lee for details.

See you at the Summit!

Leadership Series: Opening China Summit

The Leadership Summit series will begin in 2014 by focusing on mid-sized companies across the nation that are seeking to better understand the business landscape in China and how they can successfully develop and execute a viable import or export strategy. The Opening China Summit will bring together business leaders, academics, and policy makers to discuss and better understand the opportunities in China for our nation’s businesses and examine how carefully crafted import and export strategies are essential to long-term growth.

To frame these discussions, attendees will engage in a range of presentations, including an economic overview of China’s economy and what it means to US businesses, a procedural overview of how to manage a Chinese customer base, and relevant case studies from some key businesses in the region. It is our hope that attendees will gain valuable insight into the opportunities available for American business in China and actionable knowledge from case studies to guide their future strategic planning.

Who Should Attend?

  • Presidents, VPs and business owners
  • General Managers and sales leadership
  • Trade association leadership
  • State and Federal policy makers
  • Academics
  • Legal professionals focused on international trade

Why Attend?

Join senior business professionals to discuss the challenges facing SME’s looking to export to China and how to overcome those obstacles. 

Participate in genuine debate, based on actionable knowledge, to help guide your decision making process. There will be interactive panel discussions, presentations and case-studies that draw on the views of peers, and board leaders. 

Gain insight from the only event that is not afraid to offer a broad perspective while covering pertinent issues facing exporters to China. 

Meet other forward looking business, political, and academic minds who are on top of their respective industries.

Learn more and register online.